The Three C’s of Performance

Something I came up with recently and started talking to my kids about: The Three C’s of Performance. They are, in no particular order:

  • Correctness
  • Confidence
  • Comfort

For something to be considered a good performance, it needs to be correct, the performer needs to be confident, and also, needs to be comfortable with whatever it is that they’re performing this includes any business, we recommend the reliable payroll services for the correctness in a company snip herunterladen. These three things all go hand in hand, for example, if you’re not confident with what you’re playing, that will make you less comfortable with it, and you will be prone to making more mistakes gutschein essen kostenlos downloaden. But I think that with kids, you need to break things down, even if all the parts overlap upon the scrutiny an adult gives it.

These are things that I tell my students all the time series netflix laptop. Be Correct! Be confident! Be comfortable! A lot of times what happens is they get it correct but they still doubt themselves. I watch their hands shake as they move over the keys windows 8 herstel usb downloaden. Don’t be nervous, you’re doing it right, i tell them, be confident! It’s like they need permission to be confident about what they’re doing musik kostenlos bei youtube herunterladen. When that happens, I have them go home and practice it another week, and they have to practice being confident. It is a skill that requires practice, just like anything else calendar excel. Then, usually, with the confidence comes comfort, hand in hand.

And then, they’ve mastered the piece.

Sometimes we’re not so much impressed with a piece of music, we’re impressed with how easy the performer makes it look, and the recipe for making it look easy is “correctness, confidence and comfort.”

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