Song List

Miss Anna is just as much at home behind a mic on a stage as she is in the classroom herunterladen. She describes herself as having a “laid back, weekend brunch kind of vibe” but she can still pull out hard-rocking hits by everyone from The Rolling Stones to Lizzo youtube video downloader chip kostenlos.

CLICK HERE FOR HER CURRENT SONG LIST movavi video editor herunterladen. Make a request! If the song you want isn’t on my list, comment at the bottom of this page and I’ll add it into my rotation soon.

Is Anna rocking the show you’re at right now language? Consider leaving her a tip on venmo by clicking here.

Want to know when you can see Anna next youtube mit chrome downloaden? Visit the Upcoming Shows page.

Want to know what you might hear the next time Miss Anna is playing live? Check out the Song List, or just give a listen below.

The other day my dad said, “You should work up a set of music from the original Woodstock.” CHALLENGE ACCEPTED, DAD. I’ll get everyone from Richie Havens to Jimi Hendrix (though I really can’t bring myself to do any Sha Na Na, sorry in advance folks). If you’d like to request the whole Woodstock set when you book me, please do so!

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