It’s the silence between the notes that makes the music

The “quote” which is the title to this blog post (and variations of it) can be attributed to a few people – from Mozart to Debussy to Miles Davis.  I could probably write a whole ‘nuther blog post just on this quote alone (and Davis’ variation: “Don’t play what’s there, play what’s not there.” Ah, that inspires me to jump up and run to my piano right now!), but that blog post is not for today teamviewer download kostenlos herunterladen.  No, actually, this blog post is in reference to an article I read on, of all places,  You can find it here: The Best Way to Use Breaks to be More Productive.

To summarize, breaks are important.  The article goes on to discuss the balance between how long you work and how much break time to take, and how best to spend a 5, 10, 15 or even 30 minute break at the office herunterladen.  It’s a really interesting article that you might want to read because you are an adult in my life, but what really strikes me is how this relates to being a musician, and also, how it relates to being a growing musician, like all of the kids I see each week.

Practicing is something that I spend a lot of time talking to my students about.  It’s not just my job to teach your children music, but to teach them the skills to sustain a lifelong love of music – and that includes being able to practice it regularly without the adults in their lives nagging at them about it windows 10 update nicht automatisch herunterladen.  Really – if I teach your child, go on and check out their manuscript book (I’ll wait).  In the last month or two, I’ve probably written not just praise on their improvements, but often general and sometimes incredibly specific strategies for how to practice a piece of music.

What I don’t really touch on in writing (though I guess it’s there if you read between the lines) is the importance of breaks.  For most of my students, we discuss the importance of a regular practice habit, how many times a week, how many minutes each time film at youtube.  The general rule for most of my students is somewhere from 4-5 days a week (why not 7? because I’m a realist and know that your child also has homework, projects, and a social life, not to mention the possibility of activities like sports and dance.  It’s not my job to set unrealistic and unattainable goals for your kids.  I want them to succeed, after all, and not feel like they are constantly playing catch up russische musiken kostenlos.  Anyway). But for any of my older students who can sit for more than 20 minutes at a time, breaks can be incredibly important.  Or maybe, giving students a break can help to inspire them to sit for longer than those 20 minutes.  Twenty multiplied by 2 is 40, and if my kids could practice for 40 minutes 4 times a week instead of 20, well, I don’t need to tell you how great that would be herunterladen.

At, the five minute breaks include preparing a snack, reading an article, giving yourself a hand or neck massage, and trying to solve a Rubrik’s cube.  You can read about the benefits of each in the infographic at the page (plus all the other kinds of breaks you can take), but I think these are the ones that work best for practicing musicians (of all ages), and take the least amount of adapting for younger players free download app.

Prepare a snack. This one is specifically for you parents.  You’re the grocery buyers in the house, and you know what your kids like.  Berries, leafy greens and nuts can boost brain function (Apples and cheese are great, too!).  Sounds like a PB&J break might be just the thing to break up a practice session, or break it down with fresh berries and raw shelled nuts herunterladen.  I happen to love cashews and pecans, and I’ve almost always got raspberries on hand, so I know what I’ll be reaching for when I go to practice later on.

Reading an article. Your kids might not be avid online readers with their own account, but if they do love to read (and I do, too!) let them pick up their latest favorite book to read a few pages or a whole chapter photo for free on Wednesday morning.

Hand or neck massage.  At this point, our kiddos are not really at the place in their musical development where stretching before, during or after practice is really necessary (though if they’re ever playing for 30 minutes or more non-stop it’ll be something we’ll talk about, especially if they stay serious about music in college), but something as simple as getting up for a bathroom break, getting a drink of water, playing a few games at Betwiz, or just stepping away from the piano for a few minutes is a good hand, body and brain break.

The Rubiks cube.  I know a kid who can solve this in under two minutes, or something really ridiculous like that.  You can also find videos of Rubiks cube genuises on youtube instrumental kostenlos.  Your child doesn’t need to be the next Rubiks prodigy, but a simple brain teaser or puzzle is a good way to stay focused and yet take a break all at the same time. If your child is interested in learning a new skill, perhaps they could explore online piano lessons during their breaks.

When I was in college, I definitely spent a lot of time in the practice room.  I also spent a lot of time wandering around outside the practice room, too, and I think both of these activities were equally important.  When I took my breaks from practicing, it was to do a lot of things that I mention here – bathroom/water breaks, snack breaks. Sometimes, yes, socializing breaks.  It’s impressive to say you spent two hours practicing a day, but if you spent an hour of that time spacing out or constantly repeating passages without making progress, you haven’t really accomplished much.  The time away from the instrument, when handled correctly, can become just as important as the time you spend looking at and playing music.

Another great article at covers how to spend a lunch break.  With a little creativity, you can adapt these ideas into habits for yourself and your kids, too!

What are some of your non-musical practice tips?  What is your favorite way to take a break from the music?  Leave a comment below!

Leitmotif Listening

Stuck inside all day in the snow?  No worries!  Spend some time with your favorite epic movie franchise and give it a closer listen.  You may be surprised at what you find wie facebook videoen.

With “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” breathing new life into the epic Star Wars series, I was recently inspired to do a lesson plan for my middle school students on the concept of leitmotif and how composer John Williams uses this technique to bring to life a galaxy far, far away google books seiten herunterladen.  This was a really fun lesson that engaged my students to the max – I’ve never seen the more attentive (even the non-Star Wars geeks).  I won’t go through all the listening examples with youtube video links here (if you’re having trouble pinpointing a specific theme, give me a shout out on Facebook!), but if you’d like to do the activity I outline later in this post, my handout from class will help you out stream for free.

So now that you’ll be stuck inside all day, peering out the window wondering when Luke and his Tauntaun are going to show up, you might want to pop in your favorite Star Wars movie to while away the hours minecraft kostenlos vollversion downloaden deutsch.  I’m a teacher, though, and I can’t suggest such a brainless activity without giving you something to enrich the experience.

1. Print out a few copies (the pdf is only one page) of my Leitmotif Listening Worksheet watch for pc.

2. Check out my class handout or the wikipedia page on the music of Star Wars to familiarize yourself with the various themes from the movies.  There are dozens you will recognize throughout the series and some you will hear only in one of the movies, so a little musical briefing before you dig in will be helpful brackets download kostenlos.

3. As you watch AND LISTEN to the movie, jot down notes on the themes you hear.  In the Leitmotif column, write the title of the theme.  Also notate if the theme appears in a different form (more drawn out, truncated, different instrumentation) from when it is originally introduced wizards unite ressourcen herunterladen.  Use the words motif or theme to help you differentiate between shorter and longer pieces of music.    Under the Action column, write a few short words on what is taking place on scene musik kostenlos herunterladen android.  For Emotions, write down what the characters might be feeling or what you as an audience member are experiencing during the scene.

4. Afterward, think about how the music adds to the action and the emotions of the scene hörbuch download mp3 kostenlos.  Or, discuss with friends!

If Star Wars isn’t your thing (I won’t hold it against you, I promise), another great series to do this exercise with is the Lord of the Rings trilogy herunterladen.  The music for these movies was composed by Howard Shore, and it is every bit as complex and intricate as the tapestry of Star Wars themes Williams has created.  If you do this with any other movie, beware, you will only have the best results for a franchise or series where the music was composed by the same person throughout (unfortunately, this rules out Harry Potter, but you can still analyze each movie as a standalone).

So, my friends and students, have at it!  If you plan on doing this activity today, or sometime soon, please leave me a note in the comments!  Or, join me on Facebook with any comments, questions or observations you may have.

Remembering Dean Drummond

It’s been a year, but I still have a hard time describing just how much Dean Drummond meant to me.  A year later, and his passing still touches me deeply panzerlied kostenlos downloaden.

Dean Drummond was just another one of my teachers in college.  I had taken classes with him, and I had been in his ensembles, and that may not sound like much herunterladen google traduction.   But to me and to a good handful of students like me, he was so much more than just a teacher.

Dean was in charge of the Harry Partch instruments, and beginning in the fall of 1999 (just like me) Dean and his unique group of instruments came to Montclair State University herunterladen.  Yes, we called them the Dr. Seuss instruments (go ahead and google the insane genius Harry Partch, I’ll wait), but those of us who got to know the instruments developed a strong love for both the instruments, the legend of Harry Partch and Dean himself outlook herunterladen mac.

When I tell you that Dean is the main reason why I remained at Montclair, it is not a lie or a stretch of the truth.  I could have studied music theory anywhere; there is only one college where a student could study on the Harry Partch instruments, and that’s at Montclair State University ebook op ipad.  I didn’t go there with Partch in mind, but this is one happy accident that I am most thankful for.

Even after I left Montclair, I was still happy to hear about the program flourishing wie kann man filme kostenlos herunterladen.   Dean once even assured me that the “Partch students continue to be the coolest students in the music school” (yes, that’s a direct quote from an email he once sent me) herunterladen.

To honor Dean’s memory, the university has so kindly decided to kick the instruments off campus.  Well, I guess I should be a little clearer music download for free austria.  It’s not like whomever makes these kinds of decisions sat down and said, “what’s the most insulting thing that we can do for a faculty member who has passed away?”  but that’s essentially what they have done, and I know I’m not the only one who is livid about this decision mp3 file.

However.  I’m not going to dwell.  At least, I’m not going to dwell on the negative.  Instead, here is a roundup of articles written about Dean, leading off with my favorite herunterladen.  The author, Elizabeth Brown, is a composer who wrote a few pieces for the Partch instruments.  It is my favorite of all the articles written in the last year because of her close ties with Dean.  They had a long and great working relationship, and the article is peppered with email correspondence between she and Dean.  I miss his humor.

You could, of course, read his obituary in the New York Times, or in the LA Times, or jump right to his wikipedia page. You could also have a listen to an episode of New Sounds that aired the Thursday after Dean passed last year.

One last thing I’m going to do, and I hope you will do as well, is visit this fundraiser on Indiegogo.  It’s not specifically for anything directly Dean related, but it’s for Partch, and Partch is what Dean devoted much of his musical career to.  There is a production of one of Partch’s bigger pieces, The Wayward, planned for Carnegie Hall, and they additionally are filming a documentary on the production as well.  It is my hope – and probably the hopes of many others – that this documentary will have a positive impact on the music education world, and the Partch instruments will find a new home where students can continue to learn about and explore the magical world of Partch.

It’s what Dean would have wanted.

Beware the fog

As the big MAMTG Competition has finally arrived, I have one last thing to say to my students.

Beware of the fog.

No, not the actual kind of fog you see ls17 kuhn dlc kostenlosen. The kind of fog you feel. The kind of fog that is all too often ever present, lurking just in the shadows, that only ever really seems to appear at the darkest of times wlan driver windows 10 download for free.

Worry. Doubt. Fear. Nervousness. That fog.

Nervous – I don’t mind that one. Nervous means you care. Nervous means you really want to get it right need for speed für pc kostenlos downloaden. That one, I’m ok with.

It’s when nervous turns into worry that I start to get concerned. A little bit of nervous energy is great. A whole lot of cloudy worry can be terrible herunterladen.

So tonight, tomorrow, Sunday, forever, don’t let the fog take you. Don’t let the fog cloud your inner vision. Don’t let the fog lead you astray adobe pdf reader.

Close your eyes and remember you know the way. You know what to do, what to sing, what to play, how to feel. You’ve got it all inside of you. Don’t let the fog keep you from seeing that.

Jelly Band Rocks!

It takes a really genius app to appeal to both adults and children, and Jelly Band, by Infinite Dreams accomplishes just that.

On its surface, Jelly Band is a music creation app.  Children and adults alike can use it to create one of two songs by layering different instrumental loops together.  The downside is that, if left to their own devices, you, the conductor, may get bored too quickly office 365 home gratis downloaden.

Or, you may be drawn in by the smooth graphics, the infinite possible combinations of musicians, the cute little jelly players, or the catchy tunes you create! It’s time to Play game at Wizardslots because it’s fun and easy to play duden korrektor kostenlos downloaden.

Jelly Band is one of those open ended kind of games, and yes, I suppose, some people need a little direction in their lives (if you are one of those people, be sure to stick around until the end of the post, and I will help you out with that, i have a great house of jack casino login that can help), but the beauty of an open ended game like Jelly Band is that, yes, the possibilities are indeed endless.

Jelly Band!The play is simple audiotrack.  First you pick one of the two stages (each stage features a different song) and you are then confronted with around 20 jelly musicians, ready to play their alien instruments (many of which children and adults will recognize as being guitars, pianos, percussion, or wind instruments.  or, on stage 2, a rubber duck.  each stage features a few singers as well).  You can then pick which jellies get to perform by tapping on them and sliding them to a spot on the stage herunterladen.  The closer they are to the front, the louder their loop is heard; the further to the back, the quieter they are.  Stage 1 is pretty heavy on the guitars – there are six jellies who play various stringed instruments, mostly guitars, to only one keyboard player.  Stage 2 is more evenly matched, there are three guitarists and four keyboardists.  Both stages have a decent amount of percussion and wind instruments, plus a few crazy alien instruments thrown in for good measure (one looks like a car exhaust pipe, one looks like that “Simon” game that some of you adults may remember from the 80’s) herunterladen.

When you come up with a combination you really enjoy, you can record it within the app, which is a plus, but only for about two minutes, which may or may not be a plus, depending on your preferences.  Another downside (or a plus) is you can only record up to five songs at a time.  You can also tap the button with a picture of a die, this will put a random jelly player into the mix handy klingeltöne kostenlos downloaden nokia.

The one real downside of the app itself (I am trying to focus just on the app and not on a user’s possible lack of creativity, haha) is that the balance could use some tweaking.  Remember before when I mentioned that jellies in the back are softer while jellies in the front are louder?  The difference between the back row and the front row is only about ten decibels, yes I checked windows 8 pro herunterladen.  If you have multiple jellies playing, or if you are in a room with some environmental background noise, you may miss out on this subtle distinction.  The app has also recently added the ability (although I was playing this just a few weeks ago and this feature disappeared and reappeared again a few days later) to play along with the jellies on these green crystals in the bottom right hand corner of the screen herunterladen.  The crystals each play a different note in the chord that the jellies are currently playing, so there’s never a chance of a wrong note.  Unfortunately, if you have a full stage of jelly players, you will just barely be able to hear yourself.  Truthfully, if you have the wrong combination of jelly players on the stage, you will not be able to distinguish what you’re doing from the rest of the bunch herunterladen.  Hopefully the balance issue is something that can be worked out in future updates.   Something else that might be nice to see in a future update – a slow song.  I know that the music is apparently based on one of their other apps, a game called Jelly Defense), but having a slow song to counter the two very upbeat selections currently offered would be a nice addition ski.

For those of you who are bored after 30 seconds of play, or who want to help their children get more out of the app, here are a few suggestions.

  • Choose only jelly players from one instrument group.   Your choices include vocals, percussion, winds, strings, keyboards and miscellaneous (although most of the wacky instruments could be categorized into the other instrument families as well, and that on itself could spark some interesting debate with your youngster or your inner child).
  • Choose by color.  Each Stage has a different variety of colors.  Choosing only yellow jellies will not really be interesting no matter where you are (one stage only has one, the other has two), but you could create a nice small ensemble by going for only the blues, only the reds, only cool colors (blue green, purple) or only warm colors (red, orange yellow).
  • Choose by how many eyes the jellies have.  Many jelly players only have one eye.  One has as many as eight!
  • Choose by combining two of your favorite jellies with one of your least favorite.
  • Choose a small number of jelly players (no more than 5 or 6) and play around with the balance by putting only one or two in each row.
  • Choose up to 4 jellies and put them in the back row (making them as soft as the app allows).  Jam along on the crystals at the bottom of the screen.  I find this works best with a combination of percussion instruments.  Experiment with brushing your finger across all the crystals as quickly as you  can (as if you were strumming them), or with playing each individually.

All in all, this is a great app.  It allows for quite a range of creativity and open ended play, but does require a little guidance on your own part or on the part of a parent or teacher for your child.  If you are a regular teacher or specifically a music teacher, this could be a great app to use as a reward for good behavior or after a performance.  Or, if using this with a group of students, you can save a few songs by a few students each week and have the rest write reviews of them – not just critical reviews, but commentaries on their composition and the instruments featured.  This is a great app for anyone with kids… or who is still a child at heart.

Get the app here:


In Honor of St. Patrick’s Day

The year was 2008, or maybe it was 2009, and I was at the annual Mid-Atlantic Music Teachers Guild’s Spring Festival – a weekend long event that prominently features competitions for music students of all ages from the NJ/NY/PA/CT (and beyond) area, among a few other interesting activities tarifvertrag herunterladen.  And by “interesting activities,” of course, I mean, “accordions.”

For reasons that will only detract from this absurd narrative, there is always a high concentration of accordions at this event, and I always strongly encourage my students to go check them out davinci resolve kostenlos download.  I mean, when is the next time you’re going to see an accordion, let alone this many all at one time?  I, too, check out the accordions when I get a chance, and that is exactly what happened in the Spring of 2008. cewe bestellsoftware herunterladen. or maybe 2009.

Competitions take place on Friday night, all day on Saturday and on Sunday morning.  Late Friday evening and Saturday night are left for pure exhaustion (depending on how much time one may have spent at the competition that day) or a little bit of socializing with colleagues you only get one chance out of the year to see nero free download windows 10.  On this particular weekend, there was an accordion performance on Saturday night that featured both soloists and an accordion orchestra.  Please, let’s all just take a moment to appreciate the idea of an “accordion orchestra.”  It is kitschy old fonts to download.  It is glorious.

I had nothing else on the agenda that night, so after dinner, a coworker and I went to the concert, to see what was up.  What was up was too much nerdy musical awesomeness for one room outlook download free full version windows 10.  I texted another of our coworkers, one of the guys that works in our store and repairs instruments.

“Do we have an accordions on consignment right now?” (sometimes, this is, in fact, a thing) deutsche schrift herunterladen.

The answer came back.

“Are you drunk?”

“That’s irrelevant!  Do we have any accordions or not?”

“No, sorry.” (I think he still thought I was drunk)

This sounds like a sad ending to a weird tale, but I have to tell you minecraft download kostenlos deutsch vollversion.  This is not the end of the story.

The following Monday morning, I get a text.

“Were you serious about that accordion?”

“Of course, why?”

“Because a guy just came in and gave us one treiber herunterladen kostenlos.  Didn’t even want any money for it, just wanted us to make sure it went to a good home.”


By that Tuesday night, she was home in my apartment, and we have been terrorizing the poodles and confusing small children ever since fernsehsendungen.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is how the one and only Holly Scandalli came into my life.  This is how ALL accordions should enter their players’ lives, in a slightly mysterious and absolutely zany fashion.

The one, the only, Miss Holly Scandalli.

The one, the only, Miss Holly Scandalli.

The List of Things You Cannot Say

I’m a music teacher.  Did you know?  Of course you did, I’m just being silly.  One of the things that I have developed over the years, that almost all of my students have seen at one time or another, is the “List of Things You Cannot Say.”  It is, because I am on a roll with stating the obvious here, a list of things that you cannot say.  Why?  Because I hate free speech!  Because I said so!  Because because because because!  Actually, we all know that I am a big promoter of the first amendment and everyone’s right to say whatever they want, regardless of how offensive it may be whatsapp pc chip for free.  So I suppose it is a little curious that I have, essentially, a list of banned words and phrases, and that not only do I possess and enforce this list, but I’m the one who came up with it.

I came up with this list not because I enjoy censoring my students but because these words aren’t so much Words as they are Little White Flags mp3 brander gratisen.  They are signals that the student has given up, or is about to.  While I do think that the situation may come up from time to time where it is good to just acknowledge that you’ve worked your hardest and to just move on from a project, students are often reach that point much sooner than an adult or teacher might.  Students need to be taught to persevere, to be dedicated, to face hardship and adversity.  And waving little white flags in the face of a difficult piece of music is no way to learn ios 11 kostenlosen!

The number one offender on this list, of course, are the two dreaded words, “I CAN’T.” If a student sees The List, it is probably because they have uttered these two words.  These are probably my two least favorite words on the face of the planet.  “Can’t” is probably my least favorite four letter word on the planet (not to say that I have favorites, they’re all pretty deplorable) pdfforge download for free.  When I hear a student say “I can’t,” it’s not coming after months of working on a particularly tricky passage, it’s coming after a week, maybe two.  It’s looking at something hard (“It’s hard” is also on the list) and making the decision that “I can’t” before we’ve even tried elster steuererklärung 2018 kostenlos herunterladen.  Often it’s giving up before we’ve even begun. And these are not the kind of thoughts I want my children to be burdened with.

I want my children to be strong, and adventurous.  I want my children to be curious and hopeful.  I want my children to be brave enough to test their limits, and also, smart enough to know when it is appropriate to think these thoughts musikvideos zumen.  Because sometimes, yes, it is hard.  Sometimes you’re not going to like the song.  Sometimes you’re just not going to get it (Yes, “I don’t like this song” and “I don’t get it” are there, too).

But please, say those things when you’ve given it every try, when you’ve attempted it every which way, upside down and backwards.  Give up after you’ve given it your all, and even then, give it one last try linux ubuntu german download 32 bit for free.

Second runner up for Most Popular Little White Flag is “I’ll fix it next time.”  Oh,  honey.  I learned a long time ago, as you are learning right now because I am telling you, that ‘next time’ never actually happens.  Next time is that mystical land that exists somewhere in the very near future that we never actually arrive at.  It is just beyond the horizon, it’s the gateway to ‘tomorrow’ where a lot of other procrastinators leave their to-do list why can't I download anything on netflix.  Don’t fix it next time.  Stop what you are doing and fix it now.  Right this second.

If you live in the present and work in the present, you won’t “always make that mistake,” which is another entry to the list.  You are always making that mistake because you are practically giving yourself permission to do so!  Why give yourself permission to be less awesome ice queen?  Why say, “I’m bad at this,” when it’s practically like giving yourself the free pass to be as lazy and as average as possible?  Students just don’t know how much awesome they have bubbling up inside of them, and when they say things like “I always do that” or “I always make that mistake” or “I’m bad at this,” they are clamping the lid down tight on all that potential that they just don’t see rtl kostenlose spiele herunterladen.

Because I try to be an optimist (how can you be a teacher and a pessimist?), I subsequently also created the “List of Things You Can Say” which is basically a compilation of the “List of Things You Cannot Say,” turned inside out.  “I can’t” becomes “I can,” I’m bad at this” becomes “I’m good at this,” and on and on.  Because if I’m going to subtract vocabulary from my students’ lives, it would be irresponsible of me to not add anything back in.

The funny thing about this list, is that I actually catch myself saying things on this list from time to time, and I’m not talking about the Can Say list.  Yes, even I get frustrated and say “I can’t,” or I get lazy and say “I’ll fix it next time,” on the rare occasion.  I’m not perfect.  But I know I can set a better example for my students.  So I turn my can’ts into cans and I keep on going. 

I hope you will, too.

Who I’m Thankful For

There are many things I am thankful for, both personally and musically.  I have spent a lot of waking hours so far this year, thinking about who I am thankful for, musically, and today, on Thanksgiving 2013, I want to tell you about a really awesome person in my life, who unfortunately, is never going to know the impact he has had on me.

I started college in the fall of 1999 at Montclair State University.  I was a music therapy major at the time (something that lasted only about a year) funda 360 foto downloaden.  Our freshman class was split into two sections for Theory I and Aural Skills I.  I just so happened to get the class with Dean Drummond, who was also new to Montclair State University that semester.  If me-from-now told me-from-then that this guy would become the most influential person in my college career, I probably would have laughed at you.  At the time, I think I wasn’t even sure if he was going to give me a passing grade in those two classes youtube video downloaden safari.

On a whim, I decided to try out the ensemble he ran, on the instruments invented by himself and by Harry Partch (another story, for another time).  The students in the music department mostly referred to them as the Dr. Seuss instruments.  Of course I was interested.

Over time, the instruments, and Dean, became the true constant of my college career herunterladen.  Through deaths in my family, through a personal health scare, through FOUR changes of major (one of which Dean personally helped to make possible), there was always Partch ensemble.  It wasn’t just an ensemble for me (and for many of the students who participated over the years), it was my main form of socialization (Partch kids became some of my closest friends), it was a place for me to hang out, it was a place for, sometimes, hiding from the world herunterladen.  Through the Partch ensemble, I got to premiere a few awesome works of music, and I got to perform off-campus (which was, and is, still a big deal for any ensemble).   I got to learn about a teeny, yet infinitely awesome niche in American music history.   The kind of thing where some people say, “You play the Cloud Chamber what?” and other people say, “OHMIGOSHYOUPLAYTHECLOUDCHAMBERBOWLS!?”

Dean wasn’t just a musician who also happened to be a teacher, he was the kind of person from whom you  could learn something every time he opened his mouth or just did. herunterladen. anything. I have been thinking a lot this year about him.  From my dedication to practicing, to the way I run rehearsals with my students, I have learned a lot, musically, from Dean.

I’ve learned a lot of life lessons from Dean, too.  I’ve learned it’s never too late to learn something new.  I’ve learned that you just don’t have to iron your shirts if you don’t want to herunterladen.  I’ve learned that if you truly love what you’re doing, you will never dread going to work a day in your life.  I’ve learned to keep a great sense of humor about everything and all things.  How did I learn these things?

Because one afternoon, Dean asked me to show him how to do a pirouette (also, he was just getting into karate) outlook gratisen nederlands.  Because Dean Drummond plays a kithara, and in his mind that means he doesn’t have to iron his shirts if he doesn’t feel like it, and I play kithara so I’m not ironing my shirts, either.  I witnessed the fact that Dean Drummond had dedicated his life to pursuing new music, and exploring all the possibilities of sounds to create, and I saw how that took him all over the world, and to my little corner of it, and how, no matter what the university threw at him (and anyone from MSU can tell you that Montclair can throw it’s fair share of curve balls and put up road blocks), he was living a life to be proud of, to be satisfied with, to be happy with css herunterladen.  I’ve also witnessed Dean leap like a frog across the room, attempt to walk through walls.  I’ve seen him wear ridiculous hats and make silly faces, all in the name of music.

I’ve been thinking about Dean a lot because Dean had been sick, and Dean finally succumbed to his illness in April of this year.  I, like many students, was actually pretty devastated liebessprüche zum downloaden.  I think I still am.  With the tears welling up in my eyes as I type this right now, I think I was under the impression that Dean was going to live forever.  I mean, hey, he could walk through walls, so it was absolutely possible.  Until, of course, it wasn’t.

But I am thankful that my life’s path crossed with that of Dean Drummond navigation kostenlos herunterladen.  I won’t get too existential about it, but the only reason I came to Montclair was for a major I completely lost interest in, and in many ways, if it weren’t for Dean, I may not even have eventually become a musician.  If he hadn’t ended up at Montclair, I don’t know where I would have ended up.  So for that, and for so much more, Mean Dean the Theory Machine, I say thank you so very much, wherever you are.

Linky Dinks: Is Creativity Routine or Ritual?

I have never actually considered myself to be a creative person, if you can believe it.  I am a teacher, and that involves a lot of creativity, but as a performer, well, I am a performer mindmanager smart download for free.  I don’t go around writing piano solos – I merely play other people’s creative works.

But in college, my piano teacher disagreed with me o2 service suite herunterladen.  It’s one kind of creativity to create an original piece of music, but there is a different kind of creativity required to interpret someone else’s original piece of music, practice it and perfect, and then perform it and make it your own graphics driver nvidia download for free.  My college piano teacher is a highly intelligent woman, and so I won’t disagree with her, and I guess I am a creative person after all.

And after reading this article from the Creativity Post, I do feel a bit more like I fall into the “creative” category hörbuch herunterladen amazon.  There is absolutely a routine (or a ritual) involved in preparing oneself to perform.

I don’t think I have ever fallen onto the ‘ritual’ side of the argument – for myself, practicing piano is a routine, but what is the difference between a routine and a ritual anyway tastaturschreiben kostenlos herunterladen?  If I wake up every morning, go to the bathroom, take care of my dog, fix myself a cup of tea and play the piano for an hour, isn’t that a ritual spyder 3 herunterladen?  Or is it just a routine?

And routines and rituals aren’t just for us creative types, either.  Everyone has a “zone” that they can get to when they work apps von google play auf pcen.  You know, being “in the zone,” and getting a ton of work done, whether it’s writing, painting, accounting, or sales.  Do you get there out of routine or with a ritual microsoft word 2010 download kostenlos chip?  Do you have to create a space for yourself?  Or can it happen anywhere, at any time?

Linky Dinks: How to Take a Sabbatical


I repeat – this is not a herald of things to come.

However – I realize that there are people out there who maybe need to take a break from their jobs herunterladen.  Maybe because their jobs are just not as awesome as mine is.  Or maybe because certain life events have changed their point of view.  Or maybe, or maybe, or maybe anno 1701 download vollversion kostenlos deutsch.  There are probably a million reasons to take a break from your professional life.  And, of course, Lifehacker gives you the plan to make it happen open officeen nederlands.

This isn’t “hey, here’s all the reasons why you should take a break from life.”  This is, essentially, “hey, here’s how to do it and not be a homeless bum.”  TO summarize: figure out the why, when, how, and what herunterladen.  Figure out why you are choosing to take the sabbatical, plan when it starts and how long it will last, how to cover all your expenses while you are on your break, what you’ll do with all your new free time, and most importantly, how to exit the professional world and enter your sabbatical world melodies for free.

Sure, there are some people out there who have pretty ridiculous and amazing jobs like myself, and there are even some people who have jobs that while they are not as exciting, are still pretty awesome youtube videos in full hd herunterladen.  And for some people, maybe they just need a break from the every day grind for longer than just the standard two weeks paid vacation per year.

That Lifehacker article is for those people, and if anyone reads it, gets inspired and embarks on a new life adventure, I will be so happy to know that I shared it with them video von instagram downloaden pc.