The Built-in Metronome

built in metronome – (noun) a rhythm that is repeated throughout a piece that a student can use to help him or her keep the beat steady.

A metronome is an invaluable tool when learning a piece mysql german free windows. But sometimes a student has a hard time working with a metronome (especially if they are a new player). In that case, I look at the particular piece of music to see if there is any kind of repeated pattern in either hand that can also function as a “built in metronome,” something that is repeated at a steady interval herunterladen.

If a child can identify visually that something is a repeated pattern, then they will more easily be able to identify aurally that something is a repeated pattern, and they can work from there rail&fly ticket herunterladen. The easiest of these patterns to identify is a pattern of all quarter notes, which often happens in the left hand of a piece. Then the left hand becomes a metronome herunterladen. Since most students are taught note values based on the quarter note equalling one beat, it is very easy for a student to hear that a half note would equal two quarter notes, or a whole note would equal four Christmas stories to download.

In an example like this, I would work on the student’s left hand first, making sure that they listen carefully as they play. Sometimes I may even make them play the notes as evenly as they can first, then unevenly, playing them in pairs of long and short notes (playing the wrong way sometimes helps a student identify the right way) herunterladen.

Sometimes, I even make them play a repeated pattern of quarter notes while we have a conversation, forcing them to concentrate on keeping the beat steady, and also on something completely different powerpoint übungen kostenlos download. This is actually a good exercise because it is playing the piano, but still so uniquely different that when/if they make a mistake, it is actually cause for a giggle instead of a frustration microsoft office download for free windows 7. And every so often, which I find very interesting, a student will speed up/slow down to match the rhythm of their speech.

Once they can see, hear (and also feel) that the left hand pattern should remain as steady as possible, we start adding the right hand back in mit realplayer videos herunterladen. As they start playing it hands together, I will stop them whenever the left hand starts to be influenced by whatever the right hand is doing, which may still happen in spite of all the work we have just done netflix kan niet downloaden op laptop. I tell the student that it is normal – sometimes a change is not immediately apparent – and that they should continue to practice like that at home.

Sometimes a pattern is not so obvious, or not so useful. The left hand may have all whole notes, but whole notes have four beats each and so they are not the best when trying to compare other notes to it. When I can, I try and find some sort of pattern as a point of reference for a student, to help them make sense of a piece of music.

Zero Gravity

Zero-Gravity Zone (noun) the area immediately surrounding the piano keyboard.

When a kid is young and their fingers are small, many of them will throw their entire hand into playing the piano.  Wrists bounce, sometimes arms flap, and if this is not caught and fixed early, they will struggle to build the finger strength they need to glide over the keys like a master counter strike go download kostenlos.

To help children visualize the proper technique, I explain to them that the proper way to hold their hands at the keyboard is to hold them like they are floating in a zero-gravity field.  There is absolutely no reason to lean into the keys when they play, that they will not fall off the face of the earth.  The amount of energy they really need in pressing down a key is similar to the amount of energy expended flipping on a light switch passpartout herunterladen.

This visualization should also be recalled when a student is working on playing loudly or softly.

I feel that students are incorrectly taught that a loud sound requires a hard touch, and a soft sound requires a light touch.  This gives the impression that a different amount of pressure needs to be applied.  Playing loud or soft does not involve hard jabs or light brushes on the keys.  What is really needed is a quick pressing down of a key, or a slow pressing down of a key herunterladen.

If you don’t believe me, witness the student who speeds up through loud passages or slows down through soft passages.  Also check out trying to depress a key without sounding the hammer against the string.  Depending on the sensitivity of the mechanism this process can take actually a few seconds, whereas pressing the key to get a sound is an instantaneous action herunterladen.

How do I get my students around this?  First with a little bit of my own demonstration.  I set the metronome very low – around 50 – 60 bpm, depending on my mood.  I will play a bunch of notes loudly, and then play a bunch of notes softly.  I instruct the student not to just listen, but to specifically watch my hand.  Moving at such a slow tempo, there is enough time to see that when I play loudly, my finger is quickly hitting the key in an instant.  While I am playing softly, my finger is taking almost the whole beat to move, which is a very obvious gesture musik kostenlos downloaden auf handy samsung.

The next step includes having my student hold out the palm of their hand, where i repeat the gesture. first “loud” tapping, then “soft” tapping.  The point of this part of the exercise is to really have the child realize that when my finger hits the palm of their hand, it feels exactly the same no matter how loud or soft I am playing.  Then, they get to give it a go herunterladen.

I really stress the importance of a zero-gravity zone, whether or not I even use that exact terminology.  It is very important to work on the proper technique here, as extra pressure leaning your hands or even your whole arm into the keys can lead to not just bad technique, but health problems as well vlc media player windows 10 download kostenlos.

Many people are aware that carpel tunnel syndrome arises when the nerve in the wrist is pinched over a period of time.  It can happen because of the way you are bending at the wrist or at the elbow, which is basically a pinching of the nerve due to your actual movement.  It’s a very obvious thing.  The nerve can be pinched by the muscles as well, which can sometimes be not so obvious.  If you are using your wrists to play, or are leaning your body into the keys, the muscles in your arms need to flex, which will include the muscles in your forearm and wrist.  Too much pressure over time may cause carpel tunnel syndrom to develop blumenbilder herunterladen.

Maybe I am being a little paranoid here because of my own run ins with carpel tunnel.  When I play for myself, I play hard.  I enjoy passionate and loud music (especially if I am playing some of those Ukrainian folk tunes I and my friends enjoy hearing, or straight up pop music by Tori Amos or Fiona Apple).  I know for a fact I lean into the keys more than I should.  I have been to specialists and at the time I was told that my CTS was coming more from my muscles pinching the nerve than from the bones pinching it, but also, that my pain was so faint (yet persistent) that it could have also been a form of tendonitis (which is an inflammation of the tendons, which, again, may have been pressing on that nerve).  It was so hard to pinpoint my pain, and yet, my pain was so manageable, and more importantly, not life-changing, that tests to get to the bottom of the matter may have just ended up being too painful, too expensive, and still, possibly inconclusive brickshooter egypt vollversion kostenlosen.

Since then, I have altered the way I play, and taken a much different approach to my practice regimen.  I am hardly on painkillers. I am very thankful that my symptoms are manageable when they do flare up, and that also, I can recognize a flare up very early, and react accordingly (take pain meds, restrict my movements) gif herunterladen ios.

I do not wish this on any of my students.  I know that I am lucky, but not everyone is.

Besides health implications, playing in a zero-gravity zone has other, fun benefits.  For example, a student will start to make more mistakes.


Playing with poor technique is like playing with shackles on your fingers.  You are limited in movement, and your movement can be clumsy.  Once you remove your restrictions (your restrictions being the weight of your arms), it is like as huge expansivive field has opened up before you.  And what else could you want to do besides run through it?  so.  Your fingers speed up, you start making mistakes and you don’t even know why.  It’s important to have a metronome out at this point so that while you are focusing on your new technique, you can use the metronome to keep you grounded… which is an interesting choice of words, I suppose, when talking about floating over the keyboard!

Silly Mistakes

Silly mistake  (noun) – a mistake that is immediately identified as a mistake, which the student self-corrects.

I’m not sure where I first came up with the term ‘silly mistake.’ It’s possible that this is something I picked up from my mother, a third grade teacher but active with music and performance at her school herunterladen.

We are taught to learn from our mistakes, but mistakes are a little bit different in music.  You make a mistake because of a miscommunication between your fingers, brain and ears.  Most times, a mistake is a clue that you need to slooooow down futura kostenlos herunterladen. Especially a silly mistake.

Silly mistakes happen at that point where you almost know a piece, and your confidence level may be just exceeding your knowledge and comfort level netflix films download iphone. When you become overconfident, you relax, mentally, and speed up, physically,  and every so often, there is a disjoint between what you think you are doing and what you are actually doing.  And that’s where it happens – a silly mistake once upon a time in hollywood herunterladen.

As SOON as you make a silly mistake, you come to the immediate realization of, “Hey!  That’s not right!”  And you self-correct.  The silly part comes when you realize it’s a mistake.  If you knew it was a mistake, why was it made in the first place robot karol download kostenlos mac?

How do you fix a silly mistake?  That immediate self-correction is NOT a fixed silly mistake.  It is the end of the silly mistake.  To fix such a mistake, you need to go over first the small section of the passage where the mistake was made, raelly zero in on it.  Once you can confidently and securely get through the silly mistake, then you zoom out a little and work on the section from a few measures before to a few measures after the silly mistake, because you have to practice getting in and out of the section herunterladen.

Once you can do this smoothly, then you can go back to running through the whole piece.  The whole process of fixing a silly mistake is a short one, if the student is focused.  It may take anywhere from 5 minutes to maybe even a whole hour or, well, who really knows, depending on the mistake and on the student.  BUTTTTTTTTT.  The alternative, simply continuing on and playing the entire piece from start to finish until all mistakes are fixed, is quite a longer process, and could take days, if it is successful at all mit welchem programm kann man youtube videos downloaden.

Doing the Chicken Dance

chicken dance 1. (noun) the wrong way to play scales.

When students start working on scales, this usually marks the transition from playing straight out of piano methods books to playing “real” music by “real” composers who have been dead a “real” long time.  And an important physical change can be addressed when starting scales alternative zu word kostenlosen.

In the piano methods books, all five fingers are stationary.  They sit over five keys and never move for the entire song.  If they move, they move as a group.  Or, occiasionally, the pinky or thumb needs to move down or up a key, at various places through the song.  Students’ hands generally reach into the keyboard straight on from the body… kind of like a zombie (and in fact, for comic relief at this point I sometimes pull out my zombie impression) video aus youtube herunterladen.

This kind of hand position really obviously is the beginning of very interesing (and bad) technique when children start working on scales.  When their fingers are going straight into the keys, it presents an awkward hand position for when they need to cross a finger over their thumb, or pass their thumb under a finger.  Elbows start to flap in the breeze as they try to rotate their hands enough to allow their fingers to move.  What ends up happening is the kids look like they are starting to do the chicken dance logo erstellen kostenlos download chip.

chicken dance 2. (verb) a form of stress relief.

Sometimes, kids get frustrated.  Sometimes, they even get angry and upset.  Sometimes, we need to take a break.  I did this once in an extreme situation where a student had played the same passage at least five times in a row and had grown increasing frustrated each time she made the same mistake herunterladen. “I GOT IT AT HOME! WHY CAN’T I GET IT NOW?” Her eyes were shiny with tears waiting to erupt from them.

I silenced her and told her to take a breath.  Deeply in, and slowly out.  And another one.  And another one.  And then, the most absurd thing that came to mind icloud pictures folder. “DO THE CHICKEN DANCE!”  I sang the song.  I did the dance.  And my student started to laugh.  Crisis averted.

Sometimes, we get so focused we are too focused.  All we can see is what we are working on, and more dangerously, our immediate short coming.  We are only focused on the mistake that we can’t fix.  We get upset, we tense our bodies – very quickly – and we just continue to twist up, both mentally and physically.  To zoom out just as quickly, I often do the chicken dance (don’t tell the copywrite holders, Im sure by now I owe them thousands, although they should let me off the hook because it’s a private performance, and not-for-profit) magix soundpool download for free. It works because it’s so absurd, so shocking, so unexpected, and SO FUN, that it snaps the student backwards to a point where they can allow themselves to relax, get their bearings and start over herunterladen.

Sometimes I like to think this is just good advice for life.  When times get tough, take a deep breath and do the chicken dance.

Sunday at City Center

The day started out so dreary I feared a day of sight seeing would be a total wash.  For entertainment I could walk across the street to the supermarket. Or go clothes shopping (local fashion is very interesting).  Or play solitaire on my laptop for eight hours. Or sleep.

BUT!  The sky cleared quickly.  There was great improvement just during the time while we were in breakfast so Ignacio, Ash, Hafsa and myself decided to embark on sightseeing to the center of the city.  We had to take the subway and then do a bit of walking to get there, but it was worth it.  The subway station we got off at was MASSIVE because two different lines connected there.  I think I really only made it up from the subway because I was following the crowd that poured out of the train.  It was a little confusing.  Also, probably it was confusing since, you know, I don’t really understand Russian.  The station we stopped at, also went by two different names, I think Universitet and ALSO Gasprom. steuerformulare 2019 herunterladen. or Darzprom, depending on if you were reading a sign printed in Russian or Ukrainian. See?  You’re already confused, too!  The metro station we got off at was very sci-fi/steam punk.  I loved the chandeliers.

Here’s that guy, that crazy guy, Lenin.  What’s he doing here anyway?  I’m only making a funny face because Ignacio was also making a funny face (actually, a whole funny pose) but Hafsa zoomed in and you couldn’t see it.

Here he is again.  Can you believe the nerve of this guy?  Standing here for so long after communism has fallen?  Though considering he’s the monument that really ties the whole square together, and there is a street named after him in the city, it would be a bit of a shame to tear him down, but they seriously could have put another statue up in his place, like, say, anyone else in the free world with a -sky at the end of their name windows 10 update wil niet.

This is the building way at the other end of this square.  It’s probably the only building I’ve seen so far that has a tryzub on it.  By the way, this is apparently the second largest public square in the world.  The only one bigger is Tienneman.

Here’s Shevchenko, now this is a Ukrainian statue I can get behind.  It’s really a magnificent monument herunterladen. The figures around the base depict points in Ukrainian history, beginning with its birth (that’s on the right, a woman holding a small baby), and finishes with a man and woman looking forward to the future.

This is the view of the back, depicting the persecution of the kozaks herunterladen.

This is in front of the opera house.  I can’t believe Ani Lorak is playing here on Tuesday.  She is one of my favorites.  I will not be in attendance.  I’m doubly sad about this because the opera house is very impressive looking from the outside, would really love to see the inside as well.  But alas, they wouldn’t let us in without a ticket.

The front steps of the opera house from far away ganze webseite downloaden.

I have to tell you I got yelled at for taking this picture. “Relax, pal, I’m not KGB! I just want take picture of delicious foods for eating later!”

Below is where we got to eat.  There was no one here to yell at me for taking pictures.  Also, the tv was playing different music videos from what music we actually heard over the sound system, which really kind of bothered me a lot.  Also, this place is a chain restaurant, I went to another one of these places in Lviv.  Also, ALL OF THEIR BATHROOMS WERE CLOSED which was dumb.  Also, now I’m just starting my sentences with the word also on purpose musik von youtube herunterladen kostenlos.

The way this place was set up is very interesting, because it seems like they basically took over the building after it was built.  You walk in and mostly it is just the buffet area.  There are very few places to eat.  You walk up half a level and there is a teeny dining room, then another half a level and there is a large dining room (with multiple rooms), with a second dessert and beer buffet.  Then you walk up just a few steps and you end up in the room we ate in.  I don’t know why my colleagues insisted on sitting as high up as possible.  The food here was really great.  Not SUPER remarkable, and I definitely didn’t like the stuffed cabbage (The cabbage was all wrong, I gave Hafsa a full education on the proper handling of cabbage and what kind to use and what kind you SHOULDN’T use and they totally were using the kind you shouldn’t use, but whatever, it is their restaurant, not mine), but definitely, I will go back there again in a heart beat, if for dessert alone.  I had cherry varenyky, and also that wafer and condensed milk torte concoction that my mother makes and a few of the ladies from church make as well.  I think I like my mom’s better though.

I don’t know what this statue is for, and why there are men here demonstrating with flags with hammer and sickles on them, but I’m pretty sure any explanation of either might make me sad.  I tried to get a better picture of the flag that had the writing on it, but none came out well, and I didn’t fancy the idea of going right up to them and asking, Hey, how’s it going schriftart herunterladen wie geht das? What’s up!

Right behind the demonstrators, and statue, and people on horseback, and army tanks, was a monastery.  We visited (glad I brought a scarf to cover my head).  We went inside and I bought two candles to light for my grandmothers in the church there.  I took some pictures of the outside, but obviously none of the inside. Whatever good fortune may have been bestowed on me for the lighting of candles I didn’t want taken away for the taking of pictures.

While we were here Ignacio went on a search for a Triptika, which I may be spelling wrong, but that’s how he pronounced it.  On his last trip to UA, he had bought one for his father, and on this trip he wanted to buy one for himself odmiana.

He didn’t end up finding one he liked in the gift shop at the monastery, or in another religious store a few meters away, but at the gift store at this massive and very interesting looking cathedral.  We got to this one after a trip through an area where lots of people were selling paintings, and there was a statute of a kozak looking guy that I made up a story about for Hafsa.  I don’t even remember it all.  Since I was kind of acting as the guide for everyone since I know the most about the town and can read some of the signs, she had been asking me a few random questions as we traveled (I’ll bet it was my extensive knowledge of cabbage that really impressed her, haha), and asked about the statue we were very cautiously walking past (ice plus melting conditions equals slippery ice, plus walking downhill equals either hilarity.. or pain).  I made up some story about how he killed hundreds of invaders to UA with one hand while painting a delightful image of the steppes with  his other hand, so that is why people sell paintings in that park.  I think she bought it until I started to uncontrollably giggle youtube filme online herunterladen.

We then went on a massive trek across the river, through a bus depot and finally made it to the central market.  I thought this might be a great place to get souveniers, but it was basically a flea market, where they sold really important and indigenous things to this region of Ukraine.  Like raisins.  And kitchen pots.  And hair dye.  Basically, it was an outdoor supermarket.  Or something.  I was so bored with this place I decided to fall.  Actually, my interest in the place has nothing to do with me falling.  I just totally lost my footing and slid and fell on my right leg and arm.. into a puddle that I think was filled with disintegrating cardboard.  It was kind of disgusting, but I didn’t get totally soaked.

It was at this point that we found our way out of the market and were faced with MacDonalds.  I was actually kind of hoping to go, because I was really interested in the comforting taste of a double cheeseburger (or maybe the new and exotic taste of a ukrainian double cheeseburger).  We didn’t go to McD’s (I SWEAR I AM GOING TO GO TO ONE BEFORE WE LEAVE), but we found the nearest metro station and headed home.

I was so glad to get out of my shoes.  My Uggs were totally soaked.  Of course the Aussies know nothing about waterproofing shoes (especially the kind of shoes that they never expected crazy Americans to wear outside in the snow in the first place).  They’ve hardly ever seen snow before!  In fact, here’s my favorite Aussie, Ash, with his first snowball.

Ukrainian Confections

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I simply have to start documenting some of the sweets that we have been eating.  American desserts have absolutely nothing on Ukrainian desserts.  This is a post I’ll hopefully be getting back to to post more pictures as the week goes on video url herunterladen.

First of all, our day starts at the hospital kind of slowly.  While patients may still be getting prepped for surgery, our surgeon, Chris and anesthesiologists Ignacio and Diana can still be found hanging around the unit.  Also, since the patients are pretty stable, sometimes the nurses have very little to do (or the overnight nurses haven’t left yet).  Between us and the local staff, there are always at least two or three people in the lounge area herunterladen.

It's a marsh, marsh, marshmallow world!

Accordingly, Tanya, who is maybe the most amazing Ukrainian cook I have ever had the pleasure of knowing (and eating her creations),  sets out a plate of something sweet to accompany our morning coffee or tea.  The other morning, we had this plate of chocolate covered marshmallow something or other, and this whole other marshmallow creation that had jelly in the middle of it netflix series.

The Five Things I Miss the Most

The five things I miss the most, mostly in order of importance: my parents, my boyfriend, coffee, my music library and Cottonelle.

Chris and my parents are a tie for first.  Coffee and music are a tie for second, and decent toilet paper is definitely missed as well whatsapp herunterladen dauert lange.

This dark stuff does look extra dark because of the glass, but let me tell you, it's like as large cup of espresso.

I guess along with coffee I miss a good roll with butter, too, and my typical American breakfast.  Over here, they don’t really understand the concept of breakfast the way, I think, the rest of the world understands it.  For them, breakfast is just another meal.  Neena said that yesterday she got a “Russian” breakfast in the hotel restaurant, and it consisted of rice and lentils, and large meatballs.  Not exactly a typical breakfast by American standards.  If I ever ate meatballs and rice for breakfast it would be because it was leftover from dinner the night before (and also, because I was way starving and not interested in a simple bowl of cereal) herunterladen.

Our “American” breakfast (not that they call it that, but I will) consists of cereal (lately it’s been Cocoa Puffs), yogurt, juice, milk, toast with ham and three sunny side up eggs auf iphone musik herunterladen. Everyday.  You can also order chai (tea) or kofe (coffee).  They get very upset when you unscrew the sugar container because you can’t get it out otherwise.  They also get very confused when you don’t want to eat eggs and ham (I will not have a coronary, Sam I Am).  Basically, they get very confused and upset when you try and do anything out of the ordinary.  As if, having a choice is a foreign concept to them.  In Communist Russia, you don’t have options, options have you word 2007 kostenlos vollversion deutsch.

And maybe by now you’re wondering, why on earth do I miss toilet paper.  What am I doing if I have no toilet paper!? Well, we do have toilet paper here, but it is awful.  Have you ever seen recycled paper or artisan/handmade paper, that has little flecks of fiber in them, to give them that handcrafted look?  Yeah. morrowind kostenlos downloaden vollversion deutsch. this toilet paper is like that.  We’ve got an unbleached roll of rough, speckled paper.  Next time I travel out of the country I’m bringing my OWN instant coffee, my OWN roll of toilet paper, and preferably, my family and boyfriend, too sony bravia apps herunterladen.

Pics coming soon


So the whole point of my being here is to take lots of pictures of adorable children with congenital heart defects, to write about those kids, and at the end of the day, to upload it all for ccpi to see minecraft ps4 maps downloaden.

By the time i get that done, i am so completely tired that i have little time to get my own work done, posting to my blog with personal pics. And sometimes… The internet just isnt working movies on handy android. In soviet russia, you dont surf internet, internet surf you.

However, that doesnt keep me from taking my personal pics, and in my spare time this weekend, i hope to update loads, including whatever sightseeing we do tomorrow, their strange confections, loads of snow and also, the horrible slop they try and pass for coffee photoshop for mac download. And you know me and coffee…

Miss you all!

Trudging and Traveling Through Kharkiv

Tuesday was personally a very tough day for me. We traveled to the children’s hospital across town to evaluate an emergency situation that sprung up over night with a new born (not even a day old), but we were too late.  The baby had slipped away at some point between their call to us and our arrival in their ICU.  I was in a daze the rest of the day, and in fact could not even bring myself to eat dinner that night.  For the doctors and nurses on our team, this is just something that comes with the territory, but for a music teacher/sometimes journalist like myself, it is all brand new and unfamiliar territory microsoft publisher herunterladen.

When Wednesday started, I was cautious, but my spirits were raised when we got to the hospital and visited our children who had already underwent surgery and were reaching new levels of feeling healthy that they had never reached before.  It helped to remind me what everyone else already knew – we can’t save them all but we have to remain just as focused bus simulator 18 kostenlos herunterladen.

New apartment buildings on our walk home.

Also on Wednesday, Ignacio, one of the anesthesiologist, had the bright idea that we should walk all the way back to our hotel, instead of calling a taxi or taking public transportation.  Even though pretty much the other four people (including me) in the group disagreed with this plan, he somehow managed to convince us all we should walk anyway.  And walk we did!  It took us a good 45 minutes to get from the hospital to our hotel, and I got to snap off a few great pictures along the way.  I also got to fall down twice, which was eternally amusing.  The first time I fell sideways into a huge bank of snow (didn’t hurt at all, i just got wet) and the second time I landed on my knee, which somehow didn’t hurt.  I apparently landed so gracefully both the doctors with me were impressed.  We all had a good laugh about it herunterladen.

Defending his territory

An interesting thing about this city is there are so npo start plusen. many. stray. dogs.  I have never seen more stray dogs in my life.  In any town I’ve ever been in, there are stray cats.. occaisionally.  But to be honest I’m not sure I’ve ever seen stray dogs anywhere near the amount of stray dogs I’ve seen in Kharkiv.  Say what you will about Chinese restaurants, the amount is astronomical.  There was one guarding the front door to the hospital when we left (though I think I caught a glimpse of another dog slinking away into the snowy bushes), and later on we actually witness two dogs fighting… in the subway!  How they got in I don’t even know free avira.

The second floor of our metro station, where the actual metro comes.

The subway here in Kharkiv is remarkable enough to warrant its own post, but I will try to condense it here.  The metro is two levels, and the metro serves the triple purpose of moving people quickly through the underground, giving people a safe place to cross nasty intersections, and also, has a few shops on the first level, where you can buy everything from jewelry to beauty supplies to baked goods and meats like kolbas von topstreamfilm downloaden.

Detail from the wall at our metro stop.

Each metro station has four entrances, located on each corner of a major intersection.  Each entrance leads down to the first floor, where all these little booths are located.  You can enter from any corner and travel under the intersection to safely get to the other side solitaire spiel herunterladen.

The second level is where the subway actually is, and I’ve never seen a cleaner subway station.  If I ever have the time I may get on the subway to ride all the way from our stop (which is the second to last on our end of it) to the other end and back.  Each station seems to have a different style to it.  Our station, which is named for the botanical gardens nearby, has a lovely mosaic of flowers on the wall.  The next station we stopped at was floor to ceiling white and pink marble.  It was, dare I say it, breath taking call of duty kostenlos downloaden chip.

It's funny how much English there actually is on signs in this town.

Finally, after the 45 minute walk, a quick stop at our hotel, and ten minutes on the metro, we made it to the fine dining establishment, I say this with just a hint of sarcasm, where we would be breaking our evening bread… Pizza Bella.  I had the spaghetti bolognese, which, unsurprisingly, did not exceed anything I’ve ever had in the States, but everyone else seemed to enjoy their lasagnas and pizzas where mp3 is best to.

We got back to our hotel around ten, and I spent the next 40 minutes talking to my boyfriend, then my parents, and was up until after midnight uploading pictures to Chernobyl Children’s Project.  My days are longer than most of my teammates realize, and it’s possible that it might be longer than anyone else’s.  Most of us get up at 6 and are in bed by 11.  I on the other hand, have been to bed close to 1 AM most nights hitman 2 inhalte zum herunterladen nicht installiert.

While they are busy saving lives all day, I get to sit around and watch. It’s a lot of waiting, but it’s worth it.  Though when you sit around most of your day doing pretty much nothing, it can be just as exhausting.  I try and keep busy, moving about when there’s absolutely nothing to do, and I do try to keep abreast of what’s going on in the PICU.  I’ve also been visiting our patients once they move into regular rooms, which is always a bright spot in my day.  When I can bring a little toy for the patients, it’s bright for them, too!

Our hotel, Hotel Myr. On the first floor there is a night club, sauna and car dealership.

The real bulk of the work that I am doing here comes towards the end of the day at the hospital, after most of my pictures have been taken.  I upload them to my computer, edit what I need to.  I write throughout the day, when the mood strikes me, or to copy down information (I am keeping profiles of each child) as soon as it comes into the “office” which is a term I will loosely apply to the lounge in the PICU where I set up my gear and where Frank, the intensivist also sets up his laptop.  Also, most of the paperwork ends up on the desk that Frank sits at (though it is so covered with medical equipment and some other computer, he rarely actually puts his own laptop on it).

Then, once we are back at the hotel, I set myself up in the lobby and start uploading text and pictures.  Depending on how much I am uploading, the process can take about a half hour… which is also enough time to catch up on Farmville and Cafeworld.  Do you know I had FIFTY Farmville gifts the other night?  It’s astounding.  I know what is keeping me so busy these past few days, but don’t the rest of my friends have anything better to do?  Seriously!