Mwish No. 1: Just some time, please!

What’s a mwish??  It’s like, you know, a wish, but better, because there’s music in it!  In addition to practicing, I need to think about what I need from my practicing (or my music in general) before I get to the bench.  So that when I get there (or wherever else I need to be) I will be better prepared to totally rock it out cliparts programm kostenlosen.

This week I am mwishing for more time to practice!  While I do have a crazy schedule, I know that the time exists in it somewhere for me to get more practicing in!  I have to practice for the weekly open mic (so that’s guitar), a fun jam on Saturday (that’s guitar), and a gig on Father’s Day (that’s guitar, too!) how to download from youtube.

So that is a lot of guitar.  My poor little left hand fingers.

Here I am making a mental note of needing to get ink cartridges for my printer tkkg herunterladen. Just in case I need to print out any new lead sheets.

Additionally, I have been slacking on the piano practicing lately.  I’ve been focusing too much on my students.  A good thing, yes?  But I can’t forget my own playing.  So there’s that to get back into zdfmediathek.

That’s a lot of practicing I’m mwishing for this week.  Think I’ll get it done this week?

Audience Participation Time
What are you mwishing for this week?  Or at the very least, what are you regular, everyday shade of wishes for the week?  It’s a nice thing to think about on a Sunday night – the promise of all the things you can get done in the following six days disney plus herunterladen telefunken!