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Everywhere I go I teach. At RMC, at ACS, at PACS, in your home, or mine, or out on the street corner. If a little music education needs to be inserted into the conversation, Miss Anna will bring it (with sparkles! and rubber ducks!). I may sound a little out there (sparkles? rubber ducks?), but I make learning music fun and accessible for kids and adults alike.

When I work one on one with a student, I really look forward to being able to tailor my teaching style to the educational (and emotional and mental) needs of my student, ensuring that not only do we achieve great results, but that they are satisfied as well.

I love that music can be so many things to different people - an escape, a creative outlet, a fulfilling hobby, or even a future career, and that it can teach children not just about music, but also about how to be disciplined about themselves and curious about the world around them.

Occasionally I perform, but I would much rather collaborate with others and prepare them for the spot light. I love teaching my students how to listen to a song on the radio and figure it out, and I absolutely love accompanying dance classes.

And yes, sometimes a rubber duck is involved.

After years of being her little students' biggest cheerleader, Miss Anna's motivation and enthusiasm for creativity has leaked into a new genre of teaching - creativity coaching. Being a creative soul and a natural encourager has lead her to use all of her resources to help friends and clients bring their own ideas to fruition. Sometimes her methods are a little unorthodox (you want me to do what with my arms?) but if you need to think outside the box, your methods need to take you off the beaten path.

Miss Anna has been playing the piano since 1987. She has studied with Carol George (pictured with Miss Anna, at left), David Witten, Mark Pakman, and Ruth Rendleman. She studied at Montclair State University, majoring in Music Theory and Compositon. While at Montclair, she was a very active participant in the Harry Partch Ensemble, under the direction of Dean Drummond, where she participated in various performances at the school and around the state, playing not just keyboard instruments, but percussion and stringed instruments as well. She also performed with the Chorale and with Band, and has debuted the works of Charles Corey, Howard Shore and Harry Partch. To request a complete resume, please email